all sober Celebrate Soberversaries
Project Summary
I undertook the task of revamping the Celebrating Soberversaries page on the All Sober platform. The main challenge lay in curating and presenting a multitude of images, each spotlighting the distinctive recovery narratives of All Sober's followers. My objective was to craft a visually engaging and emotionally resonant design that celebrated their unique journeys. It was a rewarding endeavor, ensuring that this digital space not only honored their triumphs but also served as an inspiration to others walking the path to sobriety.
Design Process
Competitive Analysis: Conducting a competitive analysis emerged as a pivotal strategy to spark innovative ideas for the design of our image-intensive page. To embark on this creative journey, I started exploring various websites that prominently featured sobriety and sober communities. By dissecting the strengths and weaknesses of these platforms, I gained valuable insights into effective design elements, user engagement strategies, and content presentation. This approach provided a wealth of inspiration, helping me identify trends and best practices that could be tailored to our unique vision. The most common display of sober community members were stagnant images or long paragraphs of text with small thumbnail images. We wanted to be able to display images and with pagination to take the end user to each of the members full story page. Ultimately, this thorough competitive analysis served as a guiding compass, helping me to make sure our page would stand out from the others and steering our end product towards a more impactful and resonant user experience.
Interactive Prototype: This is where text goes
Low-Fidelity Sketches: The most formidable challenge we encountered revolved around the task of integrating numerous images onto a single page. Our primary objective was to encapsulate a captivating snapshot of our community's spirit, all while avoiding the pitfall of monotony or visual stagnation. Through several iterations, I meticulously explored diverse layout possibilities, aiming to strike a delicate balance between showcasing our members' unique journeys and maintaining a cohesive, engaging design. After thoughtful collaboration and assessment, my team and I reached a unanimous decision that the final sketch best encapsulated the essence we sought to convey on the page—celebrating our community's diverse stories of triumph while ensuring a harmonious and visually appealing presentation.
Project Conclusion
In conclusion,
All Sober Sign Up Page
Brighter Vision Web Solutions
Switchboard Brand Guidelines